

Hypothesis testing–tidy regression output and interaction effects in R with broom and margins

Interpreting logit

Multi-state duration models in R with mstate


netlit: A package to aid literature reviews with network analysis in R

legislators: A package to find legislator names in messy text

congressionalrecord: A package to scrape, parse, and analyze the Congressional Record

Data Science

Detetecting text-reuse with ngrams in R: public comments on CFPB’s Payday Loan Rule example

Detetecting change in policy texts with ngrams R: the Volcker Rule example

Summarizing texts with textrank: CFPB’s Payday Loan Rule example

Web scraping in R with rvest and purrr: sampling words from the American Political Science Association’s Conference Program

Scraping the Congressional Record in R with rvest and purrr

Scraping company names from Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s website in R with rvest and purrr

Scraping documents and tables from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s eLibrary in R with rvest and purrr

Convert pdfs to a dataframes in R with pdftools, stringr, and purrr

Data Viz

Maps from GIS data in R: Canada example

Simple map_data in ggplot: tracking changes in polling locations and ballot drop boxes with data from the Wisconsin Elections Commission

PS 811: Statistical Computing for Political Science

There are more tutorials, slides, and links to other resources in my Statistical Computing for Political Science repo