In addition to tidyverse packages, this example uses the rvest, magrittr, pdftools, and here packages.


The aim is to make a table with both the text of letters and information from the FERC website, such as the date the document was received.

Here are the major steps

  1. Scrape the table of document metadata

  2. Extract the links to download the files

  3. Convert the pdfs to text and add this text to the table

Some challenges:

  • FERC’s database can only be accessed in an interactive .asp session where the URL does not vary.
    - SOLUTION: I just downloaded the raw HTML for the results pages. One could use the navigation functions of rvest or selenium, but with only ~30 pages, it was faster to click through and download them.

  • Some lines in the table include links to more than one file (for example when a legislator included a letter from a constituent, it was scanned as a separate file), so there are more files than rows in the table.
    • SOLUTION: use dplyr’s gather() make the table into one row per file, and then reverse this with spread() after merging in the text from the pdfs.

Note: The R Markdown file that made this document is here, and you can download an example .htm file here (put it in a folder “FERC/html” or change the file path arguments below to match the location of your .htm files).

Load saved html files

In this case, the HTML is search results from the FERC elibrary saved in a folder named “FERC/html”.

web_pages <- list.files(here("FERC", "html"), pattern = ".htm")

# web_pages <- web_pages[1] ## for testing the whole function
# web_page <- web_pages[1] ## for testing parts of the function
## [1] "1.htm"

Build a function to scrape the table and download the files

1. Get the raw HTML

  html <- read_html(here("FERC", "html", web_page))

2. Extract the table

I want the 3rd table on this page, so I use html_table to turn "

" node 3 into a data frame. I give the columns proper names.

I then use gather() to turn “wide” data with one observation per letter and a column for each file type into “long data” with one observation per letter-per-file with “key” and “value” pairs where the “value” is the file type (the new link_text column).

The date column has two dates in it, so I separate() it into two columns.

Here and there, I use dplyr and stringr to clean up the table, keeping rows with a congressional submission and with certain document types (for now) and using mutate() + str_replace to edit the text.

  table <- html %>% 
    html_nodes("table") %>%
    .[[3]] %>% # I happen to be interested in the third table on this page
    html_table(fill = T) %>% # turn html in to a data frame
    rename(id = X1,
           date = X2,
           docket = X3,
           summary = X4) %>% 
    filter(str_detect(id, "Submittal")) %>% # clean it up a bit
    gather(key = key, value = link_text, -id, -date, -docket, -summary) %>% #FIXME get private/public
    select(-key) %>% 
    filter(link_text %in% c("Image", "PDF", "FERC Generated PDF", "MicroFilm") ) %>% #FIXME add doc types
    separate(date, c("doc_date", "filed_date"), sep = "\n\t") %>%
    mutate(doc_date = as.Date(doc_date, "%m/%d/%Y"),
           filed_date = as.Date(filed_date, "%m/%d/%Y") ) %>%
    mutate(id = str_remove(id, "Submittal")) %>% 
    mutate(id = str_replace(id, "Document Components", "(partial)"))

Now I subset that table to exclude “MicroFilm” files because there is nothing to download. This makes the table the same length as the list of URLs I’ll extract, so I make sure it is arranged in the same way the URLs will appear and give it an index number to merge on.

  table_files <- table %>%
    filter(link_text %in% c("Image", "PDF", "FERC Generated PDF") ) %>% #FIXME
    arrange(id) %>% # id numbers count up
    arrange(desc(filed_date)) %>% # dates count down 
    mutate(index = row_number()) # add an index

3. Get the file URLs

“a” nodes contain linked text.

  urls <- html %>% 
    html_nodes("table") %>%

The URLs themselves are in the “href” attribute, which we can extract with html_attr(). However, there is a problem; they have no file extensions. Luckily, the linked text says what kind of file it is, so we can add a “.pdf” or “.tif” extension, depending on whether the linked text contains “PDF” or “Image” using mutate() and str_replace.

  urls <- tibble(
    link_text = html_text(urls), # the linked text 
    url = html_attr(urls, "href") ) %>% # the url (an html attribute)
    mutate(fileID = str_extract(url, "[0-9].*"), # the url contains the file name, but in this case, not the extension
           file_extention = str_replace(link_text, ".*PDF", ".pdf"), # but the linked text tells us the file type
           file_extention = str_replace(file_extention, "Image", ".tif") ) %>%
    filter(str_detect(url, "opennat")) %>%  # filter to get rows that have the files we want
    filter(link_text %in% c("Image", "PDF", "FERC Generated PDF") ) %>% # filter to pdf files
    mutate(index = row_number()) # add index 

## # A tibble: 6 x 5
##   link_text     url                             fileID file_extention index
##   <chr>         <chr>                           <chr>  <chr>          <int>
## 1 Image… 15179… .tif               1
## 2 FERC Generat…… 15181… .pdf               2
## 3 Image… 15169… .tif               3
## 4 FERC Generat…… 15169… .pdf               4
## 5 Image… 15165… .tif               5
## 6 FERC Generat…… 15166… .pdf               6

4. Merge the table of URLs and the file URLs.

  # merge with table by index
  d <- full_join(table_files, urls)  %>%
    # add the file name and file extension
    mutate(file_name = paste0(id, "-", fileID, file_extention) ) 

  # filter out files we already have
  to_download <- d %>% 
    filter(!file_name %in% list.files(here("FERC")) ) 
## Observations: 406
## Variables: 11
## $ id             <chr> "20190311-0022", "20190311-0022", "20190226-0015"…
## $ doc_date       <date> 2019-03-05, 2019-03-05, 2019-02-04, 2019-02-04, …
## $ filed_date     <date> 2019-03-11, 2019-03-11, 2019-02-26, 2019-02-26, …
## $ docket         <chr> "P-14861-000", "P-14861-000", "CP16-480-000", "CP…
## $ summary        <chr> "The Klickitat County Board of County Commissione…
## $ link_text      <chr> "Image", "FERC Generated PDF", "Image", "FERC Gen…
## $ index          <int> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15…
## $ url            <chr> "…
## $ fileID         <chr> "15179679", "15181779", "15169480", "15169659", "…
## $ file_extention <chr> ".tif", ".pdf", ".tif", ".pdf", ".tif", ".pdf", "…
## $ file_name      <chr> "20190311-0022-15179679.tif", "20190311-0022-1518…

5. Download each file with walk() from purrr.

  ## Now we can use the function download.file(url, destfile)
  ## walk2() takes two vectors, .x and .y, and applies the function .f(.x, .y)
  ## Here, .x is url, .y is destfile, and .f is download.file():
  walk2(to_download$url, here("FERC", to_download$file_name), download.file)

6. Merge the URL data with the full table

(i.e., add back in those MicroFilm observations we filtered out before)

  # Finally, select the columns we want and merge with the full table (i.e., add back those )
  d %<>% 
    select(id, doc_date, filed_date, docket, summary, file_name, url, link_text) %>% 
    filter(! %>%
    full_join(table) %>% 

7 Once working, put #1-6 together into a new function scraper():

scraper <- function(web_page){
  # Get raw html
  html <- read_html(here("FERC", "html", web_page))

  table <- html %>% 
    html_nodes("table") %>%
    .[[3]] %>% # I happen to be interested in the third table on this page
    html_table(fill = T) %>% # turn html in to a data frame
    rename(id = X1,
           date = X2,
           docket = X3,
           summary = X4) %>% 
    filter(str_detect(id, "Submittal")) %>% # clean it up a bit
    gather(key = key, value = link_text, -id, -date, -docket, -summary) %>% #FIXME get private/public
    filter(link_text %in% c("Image", "PDF", "FERC Generated PDF", "MicroFilm") ) %>% #FIXME add doc types
    separate(date, c("doc_date", "filed_date"), sep = "\n\t") %>%
    mutate(doc_date = as.Date(doc_date, "%m/%d/%Y"),
           filed_date = as.Date(filed_date, "%m/%d/%Y") ) %>%
    # arrange(desc(link_text)) %>% # image before pdf
    arrange(id) %>% # id numbers count up
    arrange(desc(filed_date)) %>% # dates count down 
    mutate(id = str_remove(id, "Submittal")) %>% 
    mutate(id = str_replace(id, "Document Components", "(partial)")) %>% 
  table_files <- table %>%
    filter(link_text %in% c("Image", "PDF", "FERC Generated PDF") ) %>% #FIXME
    mutate(index = row_number()) # add an index
  urls <- html %>% 
    html_nodes("table") %>%
    html_nodes("a") # "a" nodes contain url linked text
  urls <- tibble(
    link_text = html_text(urls), # the linked text 
    url = html_attr(urls, "href") ) %>% # the url (an html attribute)
    mutate(fileID = str_extract(url, "[0-9].*"), # the url contains the file name, but in this case, not the extension
           file_extention = str_replace(link_text, ".*PDF", ".pdf"), # but the linked text tells us the file type
           file_extention = str_replace(file_extention, "Image", ".tif") ) %>%
    filter(str_detect(url, "opennat")) %>%  # filter to get rows that have the files we want
    filter(link_text %in% c("Image", "PDF", "FERC Generated PDF") ) %>% # filter to pdf files
    mutate(index = row_number()) # add index 

  # merge with table by index
  d <- full_join(table_files, urls)  %>%
    # add the file name and file extension
    mutate(file_name = paste0(id, "-", fileID, file_extention) ) 

  # filter out files we already have
  to_download <- d %>% 
    filter(!file_name %in% list.files(here("FERC")) ) 
  ## Now we can use the function download.file(url, destfile)
  ## walk2() takes two vectors, .x and .y, and applies the function .f(.x, .y)
  ## Here, .x is url, .y is destfile, and .f is download.file():
  walk2(to_download$url, here("FERC", to_download$file_name), download.file)

  # Finally, select the columns we want and merge with the full table
  d %<>% 
    select(id, doc_date, filed_date, docket, summary, file_name, url, link_text) %>% 
    filter(! %>%
    full_join(table) %>% 


Apply this function to extract the table and download all files linked on each page

## map_dfr() takes a vector, .x and applies the function .f(.x), 
## binding the results as rows in a data frame
tables <- map_dfr(web_pages, scraper)

Test to see which files downloaded.

# Logical texts: did the file download? 
tables %<>% mutate(file_downloaded = file_name %in% 
tables %<>% mutate(file_nameNA =

tables %>% group_by(link_text, file_nameNA) %>% tally()
tables %>% group_by(link_text, file_downloaded) %>% tally()

Convert pdf letters to text

This function uses pdf_text (we can also OCR images, but I have not yet done so).

totext <- function(file_name){
  # paste pages
  text <- NA
  if(str_detect(file_name, "pdf")){
  text <- pdf_text(here("FERC", file_name))  %>% 
    paste(collapse = "<pagebreak>")

## The tables data
d <- tables

## If possible, read text
d$text <- map(d$file_name, possibly(totext, NA_real_, quiet = T))

## Rename 
d %<>% rename(ID = id, 
              DATE = doc_date, 
              SUBJECT = summary)

## Split availability status from summary
d %<>% separate(SUBJECT, into = c("SUBJECT", "availability"), sep = "Availability: ") 


## name 
FERC_letters <- d

## save
save(FERC_files, file = here("data", "FERC_files.Rdata"))


# helper function
Clean_String <- function(string){
  string %<>% 
    stringr::str_replace_all("[^a-zA-Z\\s]", " ") %>% 
    stringr::str_replace_all("[\\s]+", " ")

# collapse to one obs per ID
FERC_letters <- d %>%
  group_by(id) %>% 
  mutate(link_text = paste(link_text, collapse = "; "),
         file_name = paste(file_name, collapse = "; "),
         url = paste(url, collapse = "; "),
         text = paste(text, collapse = "<pagebreak>")) %>% 
  distinct() %>% 
  mutate(text_clean = Clean_String(text)) %>% 
  mutate(text_clean = str_remove_all(text_clean, "NA pagebreak|pagebreak NA|FERC PDF Unofficial |Document Conten| s tif ")) %>%
  arrange(desc(id)) %>%


## save
save(FERC_letters, file = here("data", "FERC_letters.Rdata"))