This example uses the tidyverse packages stringr, purrr, as well as here and magrittr.

Say we have a bunch of pdfs that look like this. This one has over 200 pages, so this would be a lot to re-arange by hand.

Let us start by cleaning one file

text <- pdf_text(here("data/Congressional logs Dec 2017-May 2019.pdf")) 

## [1] "                                                          U.S. Department of Energy\n                                         The Electronic Document Online Correspondence\n                                                   and Collaboration System (eDOCS)\n                                                                  Folder List Report\n  1. Title:            Letter to Secretary Perry (via email) from Senator Sheldon Whitehouse\n       Subject:        DOE proposal to FERC\n       Control:           EXEC-2017-009153\n                       Assigned To:         CI / Ted Garrish                       Created Date:        12/08/2017\n                       Signature Level:     Rick Perry                             Correspondence Date: 12/05/2017\n                       Addressee Office:    Rick Perry                             Received Date:       12/08/2017\n                       Action Requested:    Prepare Response                       Completed Date:      12/13/2017\n                       Priority:            CAP2                                   Due Date:            12/22/2017\n                       Point of Contact:                                           Status:              completed\n                       Program Contact:                                            Source:              CC\nReport run at: 1/10/2018 3:28:07PM                                                                                 Page: 1 of 9\n"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
## [2] "                                                          U.S. Department of Energy\n                                         The Electronic Document Online Correspondence\n                                                   and Collaboration System (eDOCS)\n                                                                  Folder List Report\n  1. Title:            Letter to Secretary Rick Perry from Representatives Robert Aderholt, Walter Jones, and Jeff Duncan\n       Subject:        Wants the Secretary to include the development of controlled Low Energy Nuclear Reactors (LENR) as part of\n                       the DOE funded renewable energies list\n       Control:           EXEC-2017-009163\n                       Assigned To:          EE / Daniel Simmons                   Created Date:            12/11/2017\n                       Signature Level:      Rick Perry                            Correspondence Date:     12/07/2017\n                       Addressee Office:     Rick Perry                            Received Date:           12/11/2017\n                       Action Requested:     Prepare Response                      Completed Date:          [no date provided]\n                       Priority:             CAP2                                  Due Date:                01/02/2018\n                       Point of Contact:     Johnsen, Steven (MA)                  Status:                  open\n                       Program Contact:                                            Source:                  CC\nReport run at: 1/10/2018 3:28:07PM                                                                                                Page: 2 of 9\n"
# replace all line breaks ("\n") with a space
text %<>% str_replace_all("\n", " ")

# replace one or more spaces with a single space using the regular expression "+" for a pattern repeating one or more times
text %<>% str_replace_all(" +", " ")

# remove white space from the beginning and end of the string
text %<>% str_trim() 

# str_squish is equivelent to both str_trim()/trimws() and str_replace_all(" +", " ")
text %<>% str_squish()

## [1] "U.S. Department of Energy The Electronic Document Online Correspondence and Collaboration System (eDOCS) Folder List Report 1. Title: Letter to Secretary Perry (via email) from Senator Sheldon Whitehouse Subject: DOE proposal to FERC Control: EXEC-2017-009153 Assigned To: CI / Ted Garrish Created Date: 12/08/2017 Signature Level: Rick Perry Correspondence Date: 12/05/2017 Addressee Office: Rick Perry Received Date: 12/08/2017 Action Requested: Prepare Response Completed Date: 12/13/2017 Priority: CAP2 Due Date: 12/22/2017 Point of Contact: Status: completed Program Contact: Source: CC Report run at: 1/10/2018 3:28:07PM Page: 1 of 9"                                                                                                                                                                                     
## [2] "U.S. Department of Energy The Electronic Document Online Correspondence and Collaboration System (eDOCS) Folder List Report 1. Title: Letter to Secretary Rick Perry from Representatives Robert Aderholt, Walter Jones, and Jeff Duncan Subject: Wants the Secretary to include the development of controlled Low Energy Nuclear Reactors (LENR) as part of the DOE funded renewable energies list Control: EXEC-2017-009163 Assigned To: EE / Daniel Simmons Created Date: 12/11/2017 Signature Level: Rick Perry Correspondence Date: 12/07/2017 Addressee Office: Rick Perry Received Date: 12/11/2017 Action Requested: Prepare Response Completed Date: [no date provided] Priority: CAP2 Due Date: 01/02/2018 Point of Contact: Johnsen, Steven (MA) Status: open Program Contact: Source: CC Report run at: 1/10/2018 3:28:07PM Page: 2 of 9"
# make it a tibble (a tidy data frame) 
d <- tibble(text = text)

d[1:2, ]
## # A tibble: 2 x 1
##   text                                                                     
##   <chr>                                                                    
## 1 U.S. Department of Energy The Electronic Document Online Correspondence …
## 2 U.S. Department of Energy The Electronic Document Online Correspondence …
# split into columns by a Regex pattern "sep = "[regex]"
d %<>%
  separate(text, into = c("header", "text"), sep = "Title:") %>% 
  # drop header

## # A tibble: 207 x 1
##    text                                                                    
##    <chr>                                                                   
##  1 " Letter to Secretary Perry (via email) from Senator Sheldon Whitehouse…
##  2 " Letter to Secretary Rick Perry from Representatives Robert Aderholt, …
##  3 " Letter to Secretary Rick Perry from Senator John Hoeven Subject: Stro…
##  4 " Letter to Secretary Perry from Reps. Trey Gowdy, Chairman, Committee …
##  5 " Letter to Secretary Rick Perry from Senator Michael F. Bennet, Senato…
##  6 " Joint letter to Secretary Rick Perry and Mick Mulvaney, Director, Off…
##  7 " Letter to Secretary Rick Perry from Representative Fred Upton, Chairm…
##  8 " Joint letter to Secretary Rick Perry and Mick Mulvaney, Director, Off…
##  9 " Invitation to Secretary Rick Perry from Senator Michael Enzi and Repr…
## 10 " Letter to Secretary Rick Perry from Senator Tammy Baldwin Subject: Wr…
## # … with 197 more rows
# split out additional columns
d %<>% 
           into = c("Title", "Subject", "Control", "Assigned","Created", "Signature", "DATE", "Addressee", "Received", "Action", "Completed", "Priority", "Due", "Point of Contact", "Status"), 
           sep = c("Subject:|Control:|Assigned To:|Created Date:|Signature Level:|Correspondence Date:|Addressee Office:|Received Date:|Action Requested:|Completed Date:|Priority:|Due Date:|Point of Contact:|Status:"), # RegEx pattern of separators
           extra = "merge") # past any extra text at the end rather than dropping it
d %>% select(Title, Subject, DATE)
## # A tibble: 207 x 3
##    Title                           Subject                         DATE    
##    <chr>                           <chr>                           <chr>   
##  1 " Letter to Secretary Perry (v… " DOE proposal to FERC "        " 12/05…
##  2 " Letter to Secretary Rick Per… " Wants the Secretary to inclu… " 12/07…
##  3 " Letter to Secretary Rick Per… " Strongly urges DOE to consid… " 12/15…
##  4 " Letter to Secretary Perry fr… " Submits questions regarding … " 12/08…
##  5 " Letter to Secretary Rick Per… " Seeks DOE assistance in esta… " 12/12…
##  6 " Joint letter to Secretary Ri… " Writes to request DOE's cont… " 12/07…
##  7 " Letter to Secretary Rick Per… " Submits questions regarding … " 12/04…
##  8 " Joint letter to Secretary Ri… " Writes to request DOE's cont… " 12/07…
##  9 " Invitation to Secretary Rick… " Invites Secretary Perry to s… " 12/04…
## 10 " Letter to Secretary Rick Per… " Writes in support of the Wis… " 01/05…
## # … with 197 more rows

Trim white space at the beginning and end of each cell with str_squish. Apply to all columns with mutate_all().

d %<>% mutate_all(str_squish)

d %>% select(Title, Subject, DATE)
## # A tibble: 207 x 3
##    Title                           Subject                           DATE  
##    <chr>                           <chr>                             <chr> 
##  1 Letter to Secretary Perry (via… DOE proposal to FERC              12/05…
##  2 Letter to Secretary Rick Perry… Wants the Secretary to include t… 12/07…
##  3 Letter to Secretary Rick Perry… "Strongly urges DOE to consider … 12/15…
##  4 Letter to Secretary Perry from… Submits questions regarding guid… 12/08…
##  5 Letter to Secretary Rick Perry… Seeks DOE assistance in establis… 12/12…
##  6 Joint letter to Secretary Rick… Writes to request DOE's continue… 12/07…
##  7 Letter to Secretary Rick Perry… Submits questions regarding Part… 12/04…
##  8 Joint letter to Secretary Rick… Writes to request DOE's continue… 12/07…
##  9 Invitation to Secretary Rick P… Invites Secretary Perry to speak… 12/04…
## 10 Letter to Secretary Rick Perry… Writes in support of the Wiscons… 01/05…
## # … with 197 more rows

Save as .csv

d %<>% write_csv(path = "DOE Dec 2017-May 2019.csv")

Make a function

Turn the code we used to clean one file above in a function:

# the new function, pdf_to_dataframe(), takes one argument, a file name
pdf_to_dataframe <- function(file){
text <- pdf_text(here(file)) # the only change is that I replaced the file string with a *variable* called file.

  # replace all line breaks ("\n") with a space
  text %<>% str_replace_all("\n", " ")
  # make it a tibble (a tidy data frame) 
  d <- tibble(text = text)
  # split into columns by a Regex pattern "sep = "[regex]"
  d %<>%
    separate(text, into = c("header", "text"), sep = "Title:") %>% 
    # drop header
  # split out additional columns
  d %<>% 
             into = c("Title", "Subject", "Control", "Assigned","Created", "Signature", "DATE", "Addressee", "Received", "Action", "Completed", "Priority", "Due", "Point of Contact", "Status"), 
             sep = c("Subject:|Control:|Assigned To:|Created Date:|Signature Level:|Correspondence Date:|Addressee Office:|Received Date:|Action Requested:|Completed Date:|Priority:|Due Date:|Point of Contact:|Status:"), # RegEx pattern of separators
             extra = "merge") # past any extra text at the end rather than dropping it
  d %<>% mutate_all(str_squish)
  return(d) # return the output of the function 

Let us test out our new function

pdf_to_dataframe("data/Congressional logs Dec 2017-May 2019.pdf")
## # A tibble: 207 x 15
##    Title Subject Control Assigned Created Signature DATE  Addressee
##    <chr> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>    <chr>   <chr>     <chr> <chr>    
##  1 Lett… DOE pr… EXEC-2… CI / Te… 12/08/… Rick Per… 12/0… Rick Per…
##  2 Lett… Wants … EXEC-2… EE / Da… 12/11/… Rick Per… 12/0… Rick Per…
##  3 Lett… "Stron… EXEC-2… FE / St… 12/18/… FE        12/1… Rick Per…
##  4 Lett… Submit… EXEC-2… GC / Jo… 12/11/… GC        12/0… Rick Per…
##  5 Lett… Seeks … EXEC-2… LM / Ca… 12/13/… Rick Per… 12/1… Rick Per…
##  6 Join… Writes… EXEC-2… NE / Ed… 12/08/… Rick Per… 12/0… Rick Per…
##  7 Lett… Submit… EXEC-2… NNSA / … 12/04/… Rick Per… 12/0… Rick Per…
##  8 Join… Writes… EXEC-2… SC / St… 12/08/… Rick Per… 12/0… Rick Per…
##  9 Invi… Invite… EXEC-2… SL       12/19/… N/A       12/0… Rick Per…
## 10 Lett… Writes… EXEC-2… EE / Da… 01/05/… EE        01/0… Rick Per…
## # … with 197 more rows, and 7 more variables: Received <chr>,
## #   Action <chr>, Completed <chr>, Priority <chr>, Due <chr>, `Point of
## #   Contact` <chr>, Status <chr>

Apply our function to all pdfs with map_dfr from purrr

files <- c("data/Congressional logs Dec 2017-May 2019.pdf")

# apply (map) our function onto each of our files and make a data frame (df) by combining them by row (r)
d <- map_dfr(files, pdf_to_dataframe)

d %<>% write_csv(path = "DOE_combined.csv")