
Do Primaries Work?

Overall Clearly written Clarifies important concepts that have been used very sloppily Answeres a big, elusive question Teaches us about stats, as well as primaries propagates measurement uncertainty through model stages “All ideal point estimates are uncertain, but not many studies confront this uncertainty.” Summary of comments: Clarify terminology and scope Framing (strategic positioning vs. representation|DIME as the DV) Do I understand the measures, model, & results?

Framing a Protest

Clear argument and writing Great leap in methods Combines cutting-edge tools to discover patterns + experimental evidence about causal effects Summary 1. Visual topic model Conservative media –> more image features we might call “night” (dark, high-contrast) – Summary of thoughts: More from the topic model? More direct tests? – => Discovering vs. testing for mood vs. environment vs. objects 2. Experimental findings Peaceful image –> no effect on efficacy or support, but more objection to police violence

Politics: The Central Texts

## Warning: package 'knitr' was built under R version 4.1.1 Download PDF Formative Context and False Necessity Here we are— Energy, Mass, Life, Shaping life, Mind, Shaping Mind, God, Shaping God, Consider— We are born Not with purpose, But with potential. - Octavia Butler, Parable of the Talents de Beauvoir posited that minds (and thus, to a large extent, bodies) are products of socially-defined context. We shape and are shaped by our context.

Short Circuiting Policy

1. Highlights 2. Discussion questions ??? WI FIRST RPS!!! Highlight some things that make this book so great for people who may want to take up this kind of research A few things that I selfishly would like to hear Prof stokes expand upon if there is time. To applaud Centers interest groups Focuses on policy failures–critical to theory and empirically neglected! Deep dive into an important policy domain

The Political Economy of Coal

To applaud interdisciplinary in-depth focus on a policy domain impressive elite interviews (make more of these!) highlights interest groups Interesting findings As coal got expensive, lobbyists switched their messaging from “coal is cheap” to “coal is reliable and secure.” “affordability was highlighted by interviewees as the most important objective that shapes energy policies.” But “reliability and security…are a dominant focus in politics.”