
This database contains metadata on over 200,000 dockets and 80,000,000 public comments. It has two tables, rules and comments corresponding to how documents are organized and identified on regulations.gov (comments are also known as “public submission” documents).


With R:


con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), here::here("db", "regs_dot_gov.sqlite"))

## [1] "comments" "rules"
rule <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM rules WHERE docket_id = 'FDA-1976-N-0020'")

Where the SQL query to get NPRM and Final Rule data for a docket is:

SELECT * FROM rules WHERE docket_id = 'FDA-1976-N-0020'
agency_acronym allow_late_comment attachment_count comment_due_date comment_start_date docket_id docket_title docket_type document_id document_status document_type fr_number number_of_comments_received open_for_comment posted_date rin title fr_document_id
FDA 0 0 NA NA FDA-1976-N-0020 ANTIBIOTIC DRUGS/ISOLATION & DIFF OF MICROORGANSM CLI USE Nonrulemaking FDA-1976-N-0020-0005 Posted Notice NA 0 0 1978-07-10T00:00:00-04:00 NA Part 433 - Exemptions from Antibiotic Certification and Labeling Requirements - Notice of Confirmation of Effective Date NA
FDA 0 0 NA NA FDA-1976-N-0020 ANTIBIOTIC DRUGS/ISOLATION & DIFF OF MICROORGANSM CLI USE Nonrulemaking FDA-1976-N-0020-0006 Posted Notice NA 0 0 1978-07-10T00:00:00-04:00 NA Part 460 - Antibiotic Drugs Intended for use in Laboratory Diagnosis of Disease - Notice of Final Rule NA
FDA 0 0 NA NA FDA-1976-N-0020 ANTIBIOTIC DRUGS/ISOLATION & DIFF OF MICROORGANSM CLI USE Nonrulemaking FDA-1976-N-0020-0004 Posted Notice NA 0 0 1978-07-10T00:00:00-04:00 NA Part 147 - Antibiotics Intended for Use in the Laboraotry Diagnosis of Disease - Notice of Correction NA
FDA 0 0 NA NA FDA-1976-N-0020 ANTIBIOTIC DRUGS/ISOLATION & DIFF OF MICROORGANSM CLI USE Nonrulemaking FDA-1976-N-0020-0003 Posted Notice NA 0 0 1978-07-10T00:00:00-04:00 NA Part 147 - Antibiotics Intended for Use in the Laboratory Diagnosis of Disease - Antibiotic Susceptibility of Dics - Notice of Final Rule NA
FDA 0 0 1971-06-09T23:59:59-04:00 NA FDA-1976-N-0020 ANTIBIOTIC DRUGS/ISOLATION & DIFF OF MICROORGANSM CLI USE Nonrulemaking FDA-1976-N-0020-0002 Posted Notice NA 0 0 1978-07-10T00:00:00-04:00 NA Antibiotic Susceptibility Discs - Notice of Extension of Comments NA
FDA 0 0 1971-05-10T23:59:59-04:00 NA FDA-1976-N-0020 ANTIBIOTIC DRUGS/ISOLATION & DIFF OF MICROORGANSM CLI USE Nonrulemaking FDA-1976-N-0020-0001 Posted Proposed Rule NA 28 0 1971-04-11T00:00:00-05:00 NA Announcement of Findings and Proposed Amendments re Antibiotic Susceptibility Discs - Notice of Proposed Rule NA

Likewise, the SQL query to get comments on a docket is

SELECT * FROM comments WHERE docket_id = 'CFPB-2018-0023'
agency_acronym allow_late_comment attachment_count comment_due_date comment_start_date comment_text docket_id docket_title docket_type document_id document_status document_type number_of_comments_received posted_date submitter_name title rin organization
CFPB 0 0 NA NA This is great! As an operating FinTech, we are still required to hold and move money with a bank partner (let’s hurry that FinTech charter u… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0004 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-09-25T00:00:00-04:00 Kristen Tyrrell Comment Submitted by Kristen Tyrrell, NA NA NA
CFPB 0 0 NA NA This is too much to read;therefore, I don’t like it…. CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0005 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-02T00:00:00-04:00 Andrew Keszei Comment Submitted by Andrew Keszei, NA NA NA
CFPB 0 1 NA NA Please accept the attached comments on behalf of the Online Lenders Alliance regarding BCFP Trial Disclosure Programs Docket No. CFPB-2018-… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0006 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-11T00:00:00-04:00 Michael Day Comment Submitted by Michael Day, OLA NA OLA
CFPB 0 1 NA NA See the attached comment on behalf of the Attorneys General of the States of Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and South Caro… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0020 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-11T00:00:00-04:00 Mark Brnovich Comment Submitted by Mark Brnovich, NA NA NA
CFPB 0 1 NA NA Please see the attached comments of the Mortgage Bankers Association on the Bureau’s Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs. … CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0009 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-11T00:00:00-04:00 Pete Mills Comment Submitted by Pete Mills, Mortgage Bankers Association NA Mortgage Bankers Association
CFPB 0 1 NA NA See attached file(s)… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0015 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-11T00:00:00-04:00 Kate Prochaska Comment Submitted by Kate Prochaska, American Bankers Association; US Chamber Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness; Consumer Bankers Association NA American Bankers Association; US Chamber Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness; Consumer Bankers Association

See attached file, signed by

Allied Progress Americans for Financial Reform Arizona Community Action Association Arkansans Against Abusive …
CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0017 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-11T00:00:00-04:00 Lauren Saunders Comment Submitted by Lauren Saunders, National Consumer Law Center NA National Consumer Law Center
CFPB 0 1 NA NA Please see the attached file for our submission. Thank you again for the opportunity to share our views with you on this important matter. … CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0016 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-11T00:00:00-04:00 Daniel Cheriyan Comment Submitted by Daniel Cheriyan, Buckley Sandler LLP NA Buckley Sandler LLP
CFPB 0 1 NA NA See attached file(s) SRO?… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0021 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-11T00:00:00-04:00 FEDERAL AVIATION AVIATION Comment Submitted by FEDERAL AVIATION AVIATION, FEDERAL AREA REGULATION ATTORNEY NA FEDERAL AREA REGULATION ATTORNEY
CFPB 0 1 NA NA See attached file(s)… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0019 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-11T00:00:00-04:00 Sharon Velasquez Comment Submitted by Sharon Velasquez, The Greenlining Institute NA The Greenlining Institute
CFPB 0 1 NA NA See attached file(s)… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0008 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-11T00:00:00-04:00 Brian Peters Comment Submitted by Brian Peters, Financial Innovation Now NA Financial Innovation Now
CFPB 0 1 NA NA See attached file(s) Proposed Revisions to the Trial Disclosure Program Policy comment letter…. CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0013 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-11T00:00:00-04:00 Michael Emancipator Comment Submitted by Michael Emancipator , Independent Community Bankers of America NA Independent Community Bankers of America
CFPB 0 1 NA NA NAFCU’s comment…. CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0014 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-11T00:00:00-04:00 Andrew Morris Comment Submitted by Andrew Morris, NAFCU NA NAFCU
CFPB 0 1 NA NA Good afternoon - please find attached ICBA’s comments on the Bureau’s proposed revisions to the Trial Disclosure Program Policy (Docket No. … CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0018 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-11T00:00:00-04:00 Michael Emancipator Comment Submitted by Michael Emancipator, Independent Community Bankers of America NA Independent Community Bankers of America
CFPB 0 1 NA NA Comment letter submitted by Discover Financial Services in response to the Bureau’s request for information on trial disclosure program waiv… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0007 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-11T00:00:00-04:00 Kelly McNamara Corley Comment Submitted by Kelly McNamara Corley, NA NA NA

To Whom It May Concern:

Attached please find a comment letter regarding Docket No. [CFPB20180023].


Vivian Sapthavee Assistant Attor…
CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0011 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-11T00:00:00-04:00 Assistant Attorney Gen. Vivian Sapthavee Comment Submitted by Assistant Attorney Gen. Vivian Sapthavee, Illinois Attorney General’s Office NA Illinois Attorney General’s Office
CFPB 0 1 NA NA Attached please find CUNA’s response to the BCFP proposal on its Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs. … CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0012 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-11T00:00:00-04:00 Alexander Monterrubio Comment Submitted by Alexander Monterrubio, CUNA NA CUNA
CFPB 0 1 NA NA Please see attached letter…. CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0010 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-11T00:00:00-04:00 Justin Ailes Comment Submitted by Justin Ailes, American Land Title Association NA American Land Title Association
CFPB 0 2 NA NA See attached… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0023 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-12T00:00:00-04:00 Carilyn Carter Comment submitted by Carilyn Carter, National Consumer Law Center NA National Consumer Law Center
CFPB 0 2 NA NA See attached… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0025 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-12T00:00:00-04:00 Carri Grube-Lybarker Comment submitted by Carri Grube-Lybarker, National Association of Consumer Credit Administrators NA National Association of Consumer Credit Administrators
CFPB 0 2 NA NA See attached… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0022 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-12T00:00:00-04:00 Alexandra Karram Comment submitted by Alexandra Karram, AFFIRM. INC NA AFFIRM. INC
CFPB 0 2 NA NA See attached… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0032 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-12T00:00:00-04:00 Vivian Sapthavee Comment submitted by Vivian Sapthavee, OFFICE OF THE ILLINOIS ATTORNEY GENERAL NA OFFICE OF THE ILLINOIS ATTORNEY GENERAL
CFPB 0 2 NA NA See attached… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0024 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-12T00:00:00-04:00 Carilyn Carter Comment submitted by Carilyn Carter, National Consumer Law Center2 NA National Consumer Law Center
CFPB 0 2 NA NA See attached… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0031 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-12T00:00:00-04:00 Nathaniel Hoopes Comment submitted by Nathaniel Hoopes, Marketplace Lending Association NA Marketplace Lending Association
CFPB 0 2 NA NA See attached… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0030 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-12T00:00:00-04:00 Miriah A.Lee Comment submitted by Miriah A.Lee ,Ohio Credit Union League NA Miriah A.Lee ,Ohio Credit Union League
CFPB 0 2 NA NA See attached… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0029 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-12T00:00:00-04:00 Michael Day Comment submitted by Michael Day, OLA NA OLA
CFPB 0 2 NA NA See attached… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0028 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-12T00:00:00-04:00 Kelly Griffith Comment submitted by Kelly Griffith, SW Center for Economic Integrity NA SW Center for Economic Integrity
CFPB 0 2 NA NA See attached… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0027 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-12T00:00:00-04:00 Joey Samowitz Comment submitted by Joey Samowitz, Conference of State Bank Supervisors NA Conference of State Bank Supervisors
CFPB 0 2 NA NA See attached… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0026 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-10-12T00:00:00-04:00 Eli Rosenberg Comment submitted by Eli Rosenberg, Network Branded Prepaid Card Association NA Network Branded Prepaid Card Association
CFPB 0 1 NA NA The ABA and five other trade associations are requesting the Bureau to extend the comment deadline by an additional 45 days to provide suffi… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0002 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-09-13T00:00:00-04:00 Virginia O’Neill Comment Submitted by Virginia O’Neill, American Bankers Association NA American Bankers Association
CFPB 0 0 NA NA I have had a DISCLOSURE complaint with the CFPB, formally HUD since 1999 the Bureau cannot/will not comprehend or resolve with EVIDENCE of… CFPB-2018-0023 Policy to Encourage Trial Disclosure Programs Nonrulemaking CFPB-2018-0023-0003 Posted Public Submission 1 2018-09-18T00:00:00-04:00 Lynda Varnell Comment Submitted by Lynda Varnell, NA NA NA