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You can install the development version of regulationsdotgov from GitHub with:

# install.packages("pak")

Metadata metadata is organized in a hierarchical database.

  • Agencies
    • Dockets are “folders” where agencies keep documents for each policymaking process (including rulemaking and non-rulemaking dockets)
      • Documents (including proposed rules, rules, and supplementary materials)
        • Comments on those documents (high-level metadata)
          • Comment Details for each comment (detailed metadata)

The regulationsdotgov package is organized with a parallel set of functions to retrieve metadata:

Get dockets from an agency

  • get_dockets("[agency_acronym]") retrieves dockets for an agency (see official acronyms on
# you need an API key

# get FBI dockets
FBI_dockets <- get_dockets("FBI")

head(FBI_dockets)[[1]]$data # FIXME we should not need the [[1]]$data when this no longer returns a list
#>               id    type attributes.docketType attributes.lastModifiedDate attributes.highlightedContent attributes.agencyId
#> 1  FBI-2024-0001 dockets            Rulemaking        2024-07-26T09:29:34Z                            NA                 FBI
#> 2  FBI-2023-0001 dockets            Rulemaking        2024-01-26T09:17:09Z                            NA                 FBI
#> 3 FBI_FRDOC_0001 dockets            Rulemaking        2023-08-25T08:08:48Z                            NA                 FBI
#> 4  FBI-2013-0001 dockets            Rulemaking        2021-05-02T01:06:49Z                            NA                 FBI
#> 5  FBI-2008-0001 dockets            Rulemaking        2021-05-02T01:06:49Z                            NA                 FBI
#> 6  FBI-2008-0003 dockets         Nonrulemaking        2021-05-02T01:06:49Z                            NA                 FBI
#> 7  FBI-2016-0001 dockets            Rulemaking        2021-05-02T01:06:49Z                            NA                 FBI
#> 8  FBI-2008-0002 dockets            Rulemaking        2014-11-05T13:55:47Z                            NA                 FBI
#> 9  FBI-2011-0001 dockets            Rulemaking        2011-11-08T11:21:06Z                            NA                 FBI
#>                                                                                                    attributes.title attributes.objectId                                                  self
#> 1 Bipartisan Safer Communities Act -- Access to Records of Stolen Firearms in the National Crime Information Center    0b000064865d93e3
#> 2                                   Child Protection Improvements Act Criteria for Designated Entity Determinations    0b00006485f05dad
#> 3                                                                            Recently Posted FBI Rules and Notices.    0b00006481939821
#> 4                                                              National Instant Criminal Background\r\nCheck System    0b000064811e5c8c
#> 5                                                      FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division User Fees    0b0000648062f3e1
#> 6                                     FBI Records Management Division National Name Check Program Section User Fees    0b000064807284a0
#> 7                                                                     National Environmental Policy Act\nProcedures    0b0000648201ffea
#> 8                                                          National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS)    0b0000648071e23f
#> 9                                                  Federal Bureau of Investigation Anti-Piracy Warning Seal Program    0b00006480f1cd29

Get documents from a docket folder

  • get_documents("[docket_id]") retrieves documents for a docket

Get metadata for comments on a document or docket

  • get_comments_on_docket("[docket_id]") retrieves all comments for a docket (e.g., including an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and all draft proposed rules)

  • get_comments_on_document("[document_id]") retrieves comments on a specific document (e.g., a specific proposed rule)

Get detailed metadata about a comment

get_comment_details("[comment_id]") retrieves comments on a specific document (e.g., a specific proposed rule)

The package also contains functions to use the API’s search function to search the text of documents or comments:

  • get_searchTerm(searchTerm = "[searchTerm]", documents = c("documents", "comments"), agency_acronym = c("all", "[agency_acronym]"), docket_id = c("all", "[docket_id]"), document_id = c("all", "[document_id]") )


Finally, using URLs returned from get_documents() and get_comment_details(), we can download files (e.g., pdfs)

  • download_regulationsdotgov("[url]") saves local copies of desired files in a standard file structure mirroring that above in a “files” folder: “files/agency_acronym/docket_id/document_id/document_name.extension” (e.g., “files/ACF/ACF-2009-0005/ACF-2009-0005-0018_1.doc” is a public comment on ACF Notice ACF-2009-0005-0002. This notice is located at “files/ACF/ACF-2009-0005/ACF-2009-0005-0002.pdf”)

To specify your own file structure, simply use the base download function

  • download.file(url = "[url]", destfile = "[path]")

Important notes

  • To use regulationsdotgov, you will need an API key. These keys have limits. You can request a rate increase.

  • The functions are currently built with the theory that the user wants all results for a given agency/docket/document. While not highlighted in the documentation, a user can limit the search to results before a given date with a lastModifiedDate argument (API calls are curently hard-coded to be in decending order). In the future, we will add more options to restrict results to a given timeframe.