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Processes a dataframe (and edgelist) by adding network statistics and producing a nodelist and an igraph graph object for use in subsequent analysis.


review(data, edge_attributes = NULL,
       node_attributes = NULL, from = "from",
       to = "to", node = "node")



a data set with a "from" column and a "to" column, where each row represents a directed edge. (See the from and to arguments below if these columns have names other than "from" and "to".)


an optional character vector of the names of columns in data containing edge attributes. Specified columns will be retained in the augmented edgelist. Others will be dropped. See make_edgelist.


an optional data frame with columns "node" as well as any node attributes. Node attribute names may not be the same as any edge attribute names. See make_nodelist


the name of the column in data that should be considered the "from" column, i.e., representing the nodes from which directed edges emanate. Default is "from".


the name of the column in data that should be considered the "to" column, i.e., representing the nodes to which directed edges point. Default is "to".


the name of the column in node_attributes that should be considered the "node" column that contains the names of the nodes. These names should correspond to node names in the "to" or "from" columns of the main data. Default is "node".


A netlit_review object, which contains three elements:


an edge list with the selected edge attributes and the edge_betweenness column added


a node list with the included node attributes and the degree_in, degree_out, degree_total and betweenness columns added


an igraph graph object created from the edgelist and nodelist

There is a print method that reports some basic summaries of the object.


review() performs the tasks of make_edgelist, make_nodelist, and augment_nodelist all in one step. First, it creates a pared down version of data containing only the from, to, and edge_attributes columns, and an added "edge_betweenness" column containing edge betweennesses as produced by igraph::edge_betweenness(). Next, it creates a node list by merging the attrbiutes with the unique nodes present in data. Next, it augments the node list by adding a "degree" column resulting from igraph::degree with mode = "in" and a "betweenness" column resulting from igraph::betweenness. Finally, it produces a graph from the edge list and node list using igraph::graph_from_data_frame.

All but the last step can be performed individually using the netlit functions mentioned above.


lit <- review(literature)
#> A netlit_review object with the following components:
#> $edgelist
#>  - 69 edges
#>  - edge attributes: edge_betweenness
#> $nodelist
#>  - 56 nodes
#>  - node attributes: degree_in, degree_out, degree_total, betweenness
#> $graph
#>    an igraph object

lit <- review(literature,
              edge_attributes = c("cites", "cites_empirical"),
              node_attributes = node_attributes)
#> A netlit_review object with the following components:
#> $edgelist
#>  - 69 edges
#>  - edge attributes: cites, cites_empirical, edge_betweenness
#> $nodelist
#>  - 56 nodes
#>  - node attributes: type, degree_in, degree_out, degree_total, betweenness
#> $graph
#>    an igraph object