source(here::here("code", "setup.R"))
# defaults for plots
library(ggplot2); theme_set(theme_minimal());
ggplot2.continuous.color = "viridis",
ggplot2.continuous.fill = "viridis"
)<- function(...){
scale_color_discrete scale_color_viridis_d(..., direction = -1,
begin = 0, end = .9, option = "plasma")}
<- function(...){
scale_fill_discrete scale_fill_viridis_d(..., direction = -1,
begin = 0, end = .9, option = "plasma")}
<- function(...){
scale_color_continuous scale_color_viridis_c(..., direction = -1,
option = "plasma")}
<- function(...){
scale_fill_continuous scale_fill_viridis_c(..., direction = -1,
option = "plasma")}
This document uses the same data we use to generate our tables and figures: https://judgelord.github.io/finreg/participation#Save_data
load( here::here("data", "commenter_assets.Rdata"))
%<>% mutate(document_id = comment_url %>% str_extract("CFPB.*")) %>% select(-comment_url) commenter_assets
The validation data includes hand-coded comments on the CFPB payday loan and debt collection rules.
#FIXME move to another script and save CFPB comment to make this replicate
load(here::here("data", "comments_coded.Rdata") %>% str_replace("finreg", "dissertation"))
# FIXME Correction to some elected comments miscoded as org comments
%<>% mutate(
comments_coded comment_type = ifelse(
str_dct(org_type, "assembly|house|senate|governor"),
# comments_coded %>% filter(comment_type == "org") %>% distinct(org_type %>% str_remove(";.*"), comment_type)
<- comments_coded %>%
d #select dockets in Dodd-Frank data
filter(docket_id %in% commenter_assets$docket_id) %>%
# join in Dodd-Frank data
by = c("docket_id", "document_id"),
suffix = c("_hand", "_auto")) %>%
# indicator
mutate(asset_data = ifelse(is.na(org_name_auto),
"no asset data",
"asset data"))
%>% distinct(docket_id) %>% kable() d
docket_id |
CFPB-2019-0022 |
CFPB-2016-0025 |
%>% select(comment_title,
d ends_with("auto"),
comment_type_hand = comment_type,
coalition_hand = coalition,
comment_url) kablebox()
comment_title | org_name_auto | org_type_auto | comment_type_hand | org_name_hand | org_type_hand | coalition_hand | comment_url |
Comment Submitted by Candace Archer, 231 Consumer Organizations | NA | NA | org | 231 Consumer Organizations | ngo;coalition;legal | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9548 |
David Certner, AARP | NA | NA | org | Aarp | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-8550 |
Comment Submitted by David Certner, AARP | NA | NA | org | Aarp | ngo;advocacy | American Bar Association | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-8510 |
Comment Submitted by Larson Frisby, ABA | NA | NA | org | Aba | ngo;legal | American Bar Association | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-12084 |
Various, ABI | NA | NA | org | Abi | ngo;legal;membership | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-6357 |
Comment Submitted by Leah Dempsey, ACA International | aca international | Nonprofit | org | Aca International | corp group | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-1194 |
Comment Submitted by Leah Dempsey, ACA INTERNATIONAL | aca international | Nonprofit | org | Aca International | corp group | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-1195 |
Comment Submitted by Leah Dempsey, ACA INTERNATIONAL | aca international | Nonprofit | org | Aca International | corp group | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-0049 |
Comment Submitted by Leah Dempsey, ACA International | aca international | Nonprofit | org | Aca International | corp group | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-0048 |
Comment Submitted by Leah Dempsey, ACA INTERNATIONAL | aca international | Nonprofit | org | Aca International | corp group | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-0044 |
Ex Parte Submission, prepared by Derek Standarowski on behalf of Leah Dempsey, ACA International | aca international | Nonprofit | org | Aca International | corp group | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-0042 |
ACA International - Ex Parte Roundtable - Tom Pahl | aca international | Nonprofit | org | Aca International | corp group | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-12112 |
Comment Submitted by Stephen Congdon, ACA International | NA | NA | org | Aca International | corp group | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-12064 |
Comment Submitted by Leah Dempsey, ACA International | aca international | Nonprofit | org | Aca International | corp group | Nafcu | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9666 |
Comment Submitted by Stefanie Jackman, Ballard Spahr | NA | NA | org | Ace Cash Express | corp | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-12066 |
Comment Submitted by Bill Himpler, AFSA | NA | NA | org | Afsa | corp group | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-1192 |
Comment Submitted by Luke Anonymous, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9440 |
Comment Submitted by Matt Bockey, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9419 |
Comment Submitted by Jessica Girard, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9428 |
Comment Submitted by Emily Niebuhr, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9451 |
Comment Submitted by Ingrid Larson Alexander, Esq., AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9434 |
Comment Submitted by Esau Sinnok, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9450 |
Comment Submitted by Jean Sato, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9431 |
Comment Submitted by Gabrielle Jones, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9448 |
Comment Submitted by Jeff Chen, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9430 |
Comment Submitted by Anonymous Anonymous, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9443 |
Comment Submitted by Su Chon, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9435 |
Comment Submitted by Lachlan “Solaris” Gillespie, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9412 |
Comment Submitted by Heather Koponen, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9446 |
Comment Submitted by Jenny-Marie Stryker, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9429 |
Comment Submitted by Lindsey Hajduk, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9421 |
Comment Submitted by Kelsey Schober, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9425 |
Comment Submitted by Catherine Kemp, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9433 |
Comment Submitted by Sawyer Link, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9413 |
Comment Submitted by Kevin Morford, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9423 |
Comment Submitted by Aracely Navarro, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9464 |
Comment Submitted by Brooke Wood, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9459 |
Comment Submitted by Alaska Public Interest Research Group, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9393 |
Comment Submitted by Christopher Crawford, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9455 |
Comment Submitted by Lois Epstein, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9420 |
Comment Submitted by Kyla Kosednar, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9422 |
Comment Submitted by Ira Slomski-Pritz, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9432 |
Comment Submitted by Anonymous Anonymous, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9436 |
Comment Submitted by Yvette Butler, Center for Survivor Agency and Justice | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9528 |
Comment Submitted by Will Bean, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9409 |
Comment Submitted by Heather Warren, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9444 |
Comment Submitted by Allie Banwell, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9467 |
Comment Submitted by Riley Fitzgerald, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9414 |
Comment Submitted by Bonnie Blaydes, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9462 |
Comment Submitted by Kate Levin, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9426 |
Comment Submitted by Rayette Sterling, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9415 |
Comment Submitted by Ken Landfield, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9424 |
Comment Submitted by Emily Kloc, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9452 |
Comment Submitted by Nabgha Qureshi, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9437 |
Comment Submitted by Jessica Thorton, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9438 |
Comment Submitted by Tonya Brown, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9410 |
Comment Submitted by John M Kennish, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9427 |
Comment Submitted by Alex Johnson, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9470 |
Comment Submitted by Cody Carver, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9457 |
Comment Submitted by Ella Heckman, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9454 |
Comment Submitted by Oleks Lushchyk, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9416 |
Comment Submitted by Genevieve Mina, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9447 |
Comment Submitted by Morris Linett, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9418 |
Comment Submitted by Nate Goodman, AKPIRG | NA | NA | mass | Akpirg | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9417 |
Comment Submitted by Anonymous Anonymous, Aldridge Pite Haan LLP | NA | NA | org | Aldridge Pite Haan Llp | corp;law firm | American Bar Association | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9597 |
Steve Stearns, Allied Collection Service Inc | NA | NA | org | Allied Collection Service Inc | corp | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-14321 |
Comment Submitted by Trenea Everett, American Bankers Association | american bankers | Nonprofit | org | American Bankers Association | corp group | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-12061 |
Comment Submitted by Judy Perry Martinez, American Bar Association | american bar | CIK | org | American Bar Association | ngo;legal | American Bar Association | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9441 |
Comment Submitted by Celia Winslow, AFSA | NA | NA | org | American Financial Services Association | corp group | Nafcu | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9600 |
Comment Submitted by John Hearn, American Legal & Financial Network | american legal financial network | Nonprofit | org | American Legal & Financial Network | corp;legal | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9555 |
Comment Submitted by Stefanie Jackman, Ballard Spahr | NA | NA | org | American Resort Development Association | corp | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-12065 |
Comment Submitted by Stefanie Jackman, American Resort Development Association (ARDA) | arda resort owners coalition | Nonprofit | org | American Resort Development Association | corp group | Nafcu | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9592 |
Comment Submitted by Linda Jun, Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund | NA | NA | org | Americans For Financial Reform Education Fund | ngo;coalition | Americans For Financial Reform Education Fund | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9553 |
Comment Submitted by Kenlyn Gretz, Americollect | NA | NA | org | Americollect | corp | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9619 |
Comment Submitted by Kenlyn Gretz, Americollect | NA | NA | org | Americollect | corp | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9617 |
Comment Submitted by Kenlyn Gretz, Americollect | NA | NA | org | Americollect | corp | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9618 |
Comment Submitted by Kenlyn Gretz, Americollect | NA | NA | org | Americollect | corp | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9628 |
Comment Submitted by Kenlyn Gretz, Americollect | NA | NA | org | Americollect | corp | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9621 |
Comment Submitted by Kenlyn Gretz, Americollect | NA | NA | org | Americollect | corp | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9625 |
Comment Submitted by Kenlyn Gretz, Americollect | NA | NA | org | Americollect | corp | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9623 |
Comment Submitted by Kenlyn Gretz, Americollect | NA | NA | org | Americollect | corp | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9624 |
Comment Submitted by Kenlyn Gretz, Americollect | NA | NA | org | Americollect | corp | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9627 |
Comment Submitted by Kenlyn Gretz, Americollect | NA | NA | org | Americollect | corp | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9620 |
Comment Submitted by John Kline, APEX ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC | apex asset management | OpenSecrets | org | Apex Asset Management | ngo;legal | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9696 |
Comment Submitted by David Lippman, Arizona Creditors Bar Association | california creditors bar | Nonprofit | org | Arizona Creditors Bar Association | ngo;legal;membership | American Bar Association | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9605 |
Comment Submitted by Emanuel Nieves, Asset Building Policy Network | NA | NA | org | Asset Building Policy Network | ngo;coalition;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9395 |
Comment Submitted by Naeha Prakash , Bank Policy Institute | policy institute | Nonprofit | org | Bank Policy Institute | ngo;advocacy | Nafcu | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9610 |
Comment Submitted by Ofra Pleban, Bay Area Legal Aid | bay area legal aid | Nonprofit | org | Bay Area Legal Aid | ngo;legal | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-12075 |
Andrew Bunker, Better Markets | better markets | Nonprofit | org | Better Markets | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-12059 |
Comment Submitted by Andrew Bunker, Better Markets | better markets | Nonprofit | org | Better Markets | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-12055 |
Comment Submitted by Andrew Bunker, Better Markets | better markets | Nonprofit | org | Better Markets | ngo;advocacy | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-12032 |
Comment Submitted by Barbara Nilsen, Blitt & Gaines, P.C. | NA | NA | org | Blitt & Gaines | ngo;legal | American Bar Association | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9551 |
Comment Submitted by Nicole Thayne, Blitt and Gaines | NA | NA | org | Blitt And Gaines | corp;law firm | Blitt And Gaines | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-12049 |
Bruce Center | NA | NA | mass | Bruce Center | corp group | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-10186 |
Comment Submitted by Yale Weinstein, Burton Neil & Associates, PC | NA | NA | org | Burton Neil & Associates | corp;law | American Bar Association | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9504 |
Michael Jeselnik, Carter-Young, Inc | NA | NA | mass | Carter-Young | corp group | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-5772 |
Stephen Carter, Carter-Young, Inc | NA | NA | mass | Carter-Young | corp group | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-6358 |
Comment Submitted by Diana R. Dykstra, CCUL | NA | NA | org | Ccul | ngo;credit union | Nafcu | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-12095 |
Comment Submitted by Tom Quaadman, US Chamber of Commerce, Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness | NA | NA | org | Chamber Of Commerce | corp group | Aca International | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9526 |
Comment Submitted by Jake Proffitt, Check Into Cash, Inc. | check cash | CIK | org | Check Into Cash | corp group | Naacp | https://www.regulations.gov/comment/CFPB-2019-0022-9175 |
%>% select(comment_title,
d ends_with("auto"),
comment_type_hand = comment_type,
coalition_hand = coalition,
comment_url) write_csv(here("data", "validation.csv"))
Of the 554 comments hand-coded as sophisticated comments from an organization (excluding mass comments, individuals, or comments from elected officials), 269 are currently matched with asset data.
(high-level org type coding only)
# drop org type details, focus on main catagories
d mutate(subtype = org_type_hand %>%
str_remove("[A-z]*;") %>%
org_type_hand = org_type_hand %>%
str_remove(";.*") %>%
# overall
d filter(comment_type == "org") %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = asset_data,
fill = org_type_hand) +
coord_flip() +
labs(x = "",
y = "")
d filter(comment_type == "org") %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = org_type_auto,
fill = org_type_hand) +
geom_bar() +
coord_flip() +
labs(x = "Data Source",
y = "")
d filter(comment_type == "org",
== "ngo") %>%
org_type_hand mutate(org_type_auto = org_type_auto %>% replace_na(" no asset data")) %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = subtype,
fill = org_type_auto) +
geom_bar() +
coord_flip() +
labs(title = "NGOs",
x = "",
fill = "Data Source",
y = "Hand-coded ngo subtypes")+
d filter(comment_type == "org",
== "corp") %>%
org_type_hand mutate(org_type_auto = org_type_auto %>% replace_na(" no asset data")) %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = subtype,
fill = org_type_auto) +
geom_bar() +
coord_flip() +
labs(title = "Corps",
x = "",
fill = "Data Source",
y = "Hand-coded corp subtypes")+
d filter(comment_type == "org",
== "corp group") %>%
org_type_hand mutate(org_type_auto = org_type_auto %>% replace_na(" no asset data")) %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = subtype,
fill = org_type_auto) +
geom_bar() +
coord_flip() +
labs(title = "Corp groups (business associations)",
x = "",
fill = "Data Source",
y = "Hand-coded corp group subtypes")+
d filter(comment_type == "org",
== "gov") %>%
org_type_hand mutate(org_type_auto = org_type_auto %>% replace_na(" no asset data")) %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = subtype,
fill = org_type_auto) +
geom_bar() +
coord_flip() +
labs(title = "Governments (should not have asset data?)",
x = "",
fill = "Data Source",
y = "Hand-coded government subtypes")+
We are capturing credit unions fairly well and seem to be capturing a high percentage of unions, think tanks, philanthropy, legal, and financial services NGOs.
We are undercounting corporations, especially law firms and, surprisingly, banks (these are probably small banks).
*A few of these “coalitions” include organizations lobbying alone, without coalition partners.
d filter(comment_type == "org") %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = asset_data,
fill = org_type_hand) +
geom_bar() +
coord_flip() +
facet_wrap(#scales = "free_y",
"coalition") +
theme_bw() +
theme(strip.text = element_text(hjust = 0)) +
labs(x = "",
y = "")
By hand-coded coalition type
d filter(comment_type == "org") %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = asset_data,
fill = org_type_hand) +
geom_bar() +
coord_flip() +
facet_wrap(#scales = "free_y",
"coalition_type") +
theme_bw() +
theme(strip.text = element_text(hjust = 0)) +
labs(x = "",
y = "")
We are capturing almost none of the businesses that are lobbying public interest coalitions (many of these are small law firms). For example, we are not capturing the businesses that lobby alongside the ABA or the Center for Responsible Lending.
d ggplot( ) +
aes(y = coalition_success, x = assets,
label = coalition) +
geom_jitter(alpha = .3, aes(size = coalition_size) ) +
geom_text(color = "blue") +
d ggplot( ) +
aes(y = coalition_success, x = revenue,
label = coalition) +
geom_jitter(alpha = .3, aes(size = coalition_size) ) +
geom_text(color = "blue") +