Iterative Hand-Coding and Computational Text Analysis

Application to Public Comments in US Federal Agency Rulemaking


58 million public comments on proposed rules, via


Hand coding \(\Longleftrightarrow\) computational text analysis

Human coding and computational text analysis are more powerful when combined in an iterative workflow:

  1. Text analysis tools can strategically select texts for human coders—texts representing larger samples and outlier texts of high inferential value.
  2. Preprocessing can speed up hand-coding by extracting features like names and key sentences.
  3. Humans and computers can iteratively tag entities using regex tables and group texts by key features (e.g., identify lobbying coalitions by common policy demands)

A sample of 13,000 hand-coded comments yields 41 million as-good-as-hand-coded comments regarding both the organizations that mobilized them and the extent to which policy changed in the direction they sought.

Hand-coding dynamic data with Google Sheets

Workflow: googlesheets4 allows analysis and improving data in real-time:

  • The “org_name” column is populated with a guess from automated methods. As humans identify new organizations and aliases, other comments with the same entity strings are auto-coded to match human coding.
  • As humans identify each organization’s policy “ask,” other texts with the same ask are put in their coalition.
  • If the organization and coalition become known, it no longer needs hand coding.

Identify coalitions with text reuse

“…jobs and our economy. I am also concerned that your proposal allows power plants to buy and sell mercury pollution credits. This would permit some plants to continue to harm…”

“…pollutants like dioxin. I am also concerned that your proposal allows power plants to buy and sell mercury pollution credits. This kind of market-based mechanism to reduce …”

Identify coalitions with text reuse

  • Document A is unique
  • B, C, and D share text
  • E and F are the same text

Iteratively group commenters into coalitions

  1. Humans identify groups of selected comments (e.g., lobbying coalitions)
  2. Humans copy and paste key phrases
  3. Computer puts other comments containing those phrases in the same group (coalition)
  • Preprocessing tip: Summaries speed hand-coding (e.g., use textrank to select representative sentences).

Iteratively group commenters into coalitions

Results: Most public comments result from organized pressure campaigns

“Mass” comments share a 10-gram with 99+ other comments.

Pressure results from organized campaigns. Of 58 million public comments on proposed agency rules, 2005-2020

Who gets their substantive policy demands met?

  • Business Associations
  • Law Firms & National Advocacy Organizations

Larger coalitions → more likely to win

Lobbying Success by Campaign Size

Larger coalitions → more likely to win

Policy Text Change by Coalition Size

Next steps

  • Compare exact entity linking (regex tables) to probabilistic methods (linkit, fastlink, supervised classifiers, zero & one-shot LLM prompts)
  • Compare exact grouping (e.g., by policy demands) to supervised classifiers & one-shot LLM prompts.

Preliminary results for GPT-4:

  • organizations and their types \(\color{\green}{\checkmark}\)
  • support for a proposed rule ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • changes from a draft to final rule \(\color{\red}{✗}\)
  • lobbying successes not highlighted in rule preamble \(\color{\red}{✗}\)

Thank you!
